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Version: 2.x

Quick Start

Install the package

npm install --save @microsoft/fast-element

Create a web component

A web component created using FAST is comprised of 3 parts, the HTML template, the CSS styles, and the component logic. Web components can be as simple as a button, or as complex as a full page interactive experience.

To start, let's create a simple web component that combines all the necessary parts:

import { attr, css, FASTElement, html } from "@microsoft/fast-element";

* Create an HTML template using the html tag template literal,
* this contains interpolated text content from a passed attribute
const template = html`<span>Hello ${x =>}!</span>`

* Create CSS styles using the css tag template literal
const styles = css`
:host {
border: 1px solid blue;

span {
color: red;

* Define your component logic by creating a class that extends
* the FASTElement, note the addition of the attr decorator,
* this creates an attribute on your component which can be passed.
class HelloWorld extends FASTElement {
name: string;

* Define your custom web component for the browser, as soon as the file
* containing this logic is imported, the element "hello-world" will be
* defined in the DOM with it's html, styles, logic, and tag name.
name: "hello-world",

Add it to your project

Now that the "hello-world" custom web component has been defined, it can be included in your HTML like so:

<script type="module" src="path/to/hello-world.js"></script>
<hello-world name="Earth"></hello-world>

It's as simple as that!

Continue reading through the docs to understand all of the potential ways to use @microsoft/fast-element for your website or application.