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Version: 1.x

@microsoft/fast-element > ExecutionContext

ExecutionContext class

Provides additional contextual information available to behaviors and expressions.

export declare class ExecutionContext<TParent = any, TGrandparent = any> 


eventEventThe current event within an event handler.
indexnumberThe index of the current item within a repeat context.
isEvenbooleanIndicates whether the current item within a repeat context has an even index.
isFirstbooleanIndicates whether the current item within a repeat context is the first item in the collection.
isInMiddlebooleanIndicates whether the current item within a repeat context is somewhere in the middle of the collection.
isLastbooleanIndicates whether the current item within a repeat context is the last item in the collection.
isOddbooleanIndicates whether the current item within a repeat context has an odd index.
lengthnumberThe length of the current collection within a repeat context.
parentTParentThe parent data object within a repeat context.
parentContextExecutionContext<TGrandparent>The parent execution context when in nested context scenarios.