📄️ Overview
A Design System can generally be thought of as a collection of resources for interactive media that promotes brand alignment.
📄️ Creating a Component Library
Not only is FAST great for creating individual components, but it also shines when creating libraries or systems of components.
📄️ Design Tokens
The FAST Design Token implementation is designed to provide first-class support for Design Tokens and make setting, getting, and using Design Tokens simple.
📄️ High Contrast
High contrast mode uses the CSS media feature, forced-colors. When forced-colors is set to active, the user agent will apply a limited color palette to the component.
📄️ MatchMedia Stylesheets
FAST exposes a mechanism to attach stylesheets conditionally based on a MatchMedia query.
📄️ Localization
FAST provides several mechanisms to apply direction-based styles.