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Version: 1.x



AnimateBase animate type. This is extended by AnimateTo and AnimateFrom.
AnimateFromAn animation from provided property values to the element's current values. Extends Animate.
AnimateGroupGroups AnimateTo and AnimateFrom instances, providing a single API to operate on all of them.
AnimateSequenceAnimate a collection of AnimateTo and AnimateFrom in sequence.
AnimateToAn animation to provided property values from the element's current values. Extends Animate.
ScrollTriggerUtility for registering element/callback pairs where the callback will be called on scroll while the element is in view.
ViewEnterTriggerUtility for registering element/callback pairs where the callback will be called when the element enters the view-port
ViewExitTriggerUtility for registering element/callback pairs where the callback will be invoked when the element exits the view-port


cubicBezier(name)Get a cubic bezier curve, formatted as a string, by name.
fadeIn(element, effectTiming)Creates an animation to fade an element into view
fadeOut(element, effectTiming)Creates an animation to fade an element out of view