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Version: 1.x

Components QuickStart

License: MIT npm version

The @microsoft/fast-components library contains Web Components built on top of our standard component and design system foundation. @microsoft/fast-components expresses the FAST design language (FAST Frame).


From NPM

To install the components:

npm install --save @microsoft/fast-components
yarn add @microsoft/fast-components

To use a Web Component as a custom element in HTML, the custom element must be registered. Importing the necessary component definition into your JavaScript bundle and registering it with a DesignSystem will register the custom element with the platform. Here's how to do that for @microsoft/fast-components:

import { 
} from "@microsoft/fast-components";


As a shortcut, if you wish to easily register all available components, rather than registering each one, you can use the following pattern:

import { 
} from "@microsoft/fast-components";


When working with a tree-shaking supporting bundler such as Webpack or Rollup, you will want to import and register the individual components. This will ensure that any unused components are tree-shaken out of your builds.


Looking for a setup that integrates with a particular front-end framework or bundler? Check out our integration docs.

From CDN

A pre-bundled script that contains all APIs needed to use the components is available on CDN. You can use this script by adding type="module" to the script element and then importing from the CDN. Here's what that would look like for the FAST Web Components:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<!-- ... -->

The markup above always references the latest release of the components. When deploying to production, you will want to ship with a specific version. Here's an example of the markup for that:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

When using FAST from CDN, there is no need to register the components. The CDN script includes code that automatically sets up the design system and registers all the components.


For simplicity, examples throughout the documentation will assume the library has been installed from NPM, but you can always replace the import location with the CDN URL.

Add components

With the components registered, add any component to the HTML. That's it! For a comprehensive list of all elements, see the Components section.

<!-- ... -->
<fast-button>Hello world</fast-button>
<!-- ... -->